8DA2C292-A37A-47FF-B7D3-596FB70325F9 - Shannon Love

SPMHA Player Evaluation Objectives and Format

Player evaluations are one of the most difficult tasks for our association to complete. Our objectives throughout the Player Evaluation Process reflect those outlined by Hockey Canada.

Objectives of Player Evaluation

  • To provide a fair and impartial assessment of a player's total hockey skills during the skill, compete and scrimmage sessions
  • To ensure that players have a reasonable opportunity of being selected to a team appropriate to their skill levels as determined during the on-ice evaluations of the current year.
  • To provide uniformity and consistency in the evaluation process such that a player and parent expectations are consistent from year to year as players move through the various levels of our programs
  • To form teams which maintain balanced and competitive play where the athletes can develop and participate equitably and have fun playing hockey during the season.


Top Questions on Player Evaluation

When are the evaluation sessions?

A set schedule will be posted on our website along with direct email messages from your volunteer Division Director.  We will inform parents and players of when the initial ice session is and when further ice sessions may occur pending the results of initial assessments.


How many evaluation sessions will there be?

To be completed


What is being evaluated?

Session 1:   Individual skills focusing on skating, puck control, shooting and passing.

Session 2:   Small area games and competitive drills focusing on Hockey IQ and individual compete levels.

Sessions 3 & 4 ( if required): Scrimmage focusing on involvement, compete, work ethic and level of in-game skill.

* As players increase in age, greater importance and time will be devoted towards scrimmage play.

Who will do the evaluations?

All evaluations will be conducted by independent evaluators and SPMHA volunteers including:

  • On-ice coaches to take players through the session.
  • Off-ice evaluators who will be responsible to evaluate every player on the ice during the time allotted.
  • Off-ice administrators who will be responsible for tracking evaluations, contacting parents and players and scheduling sessions.


What should my son/daughter wear to the evaluation?

Full equipment is always mandatory. This includes:

  • Protective cup
  • Shin pads
  • Hockey pants
  • Shoulder pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Skates
  • Hockey gloves
  • Hockey stick
  • CSA approved helmet and full shield
  • Neck guard and mouth guard
  • Jersey and socks

Players will be assigned a pinnie upon their arrival at the rink. The evaluators will only know the players piney number - not their name.


How are the players notified of their standing within the process?

Players will be informed by the Off-ice administrators who are responsible for tracking evaluations, contacting parents and players and scheduling sessions. Players will NOT be informed at the rink but by the off-ice administrator via email.


Will the player be evaluated in a skill and game environment?

In order to give each and every player a fair opportunity to exhibit the range of skills that they possess they will be evaluated in a game and skill environment. At the younger age levels a greater emphasis will be placed on the evaluation of skills - as the players get older the game or scrimmage sessions will have a greater overall impact on the players placement.

What happens after the evaluation sessions?

Upon the completion of evaluations players will be contacted by the coach of their team. The coach will outline:

  • An Initial Practice schedule
  • Introduction of other coaches
  • Setting of first meeting with parents and players

We wish all of our players the best of luck in preparing for and participating within our evaluation sessions.  We count on our community’s support in understanding that the decisions made are never easy for our evaluators, and are made only with the best intentions to provide each player with an enjoyable season filled with growth and success.